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Ironville and Codnor Park Primary School

Believe Achieve Succeed

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Hello! A big welcome to Kingfishers class!

Take a look around our class page to see all of the exciting things that we are learning each term. 


Reading/ Phonics/ Spellings

Each child has a home a reading diary and a book, please read the book with your child at least three times per week (they will then earn a loop on their reading chain. Who will make the longest chain?) and practice the phonemes and tricky words or their year group spellings inside their reading diaries - more information about this is in their reading diary. Please also remember that your username and password for Reading Eggs will be in your child's reading diary and logging into this gives your child a range of reading and phonics activities tailored to their needs.



There will also be a TT Rockstars login where you can practice your multiplication and division knowledge. 

Alternatively practice your maths skills using 'Hit The Button' supporting your child with addition and subtraction, number bonds, doubling and halving.



Children will be given a new set of spellings weekly which focuses and recaps the phonemes that they have been learning that week with common exception words or year group spellings. We have a weekly spelling quiz taking place on Fridays. We are looking for superstars aiming for 10/10 who are awarded house points for their team!  

Children will also be given a homework booklet for the term and is due in every Friday so we can see how many points your child has earned for some fabulous prizes!

Please can you make sure that your child completes the fun activities set, signed off and is returned to Kingfisher Class on a Friday.



PE will be on a Tuesday and a Friday so please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days and that everything is clearly labelled. The first session of swimming for Year Three children will be Friday 20th September.  There will be a letter with information and a permission form sent out before this date. 


Water Bottles

Please can your child brings in a water bottle containing water and please make sure it is clearly labelled.


If you have any questions please phone the school and ask to speak to a member of Kingfishers. 

Mr A Garrard (Class teacher) or Mrs K Wheatey (TA).

Useful Websites

Here are some websites that you can use to support your phonics, English and Maths knowledge. 
