20.7.22 Spellathon: Spelling Bee - Well done to all of our Super Spellers and Fund Raisers!
We have a progressive scheme of work that directly links with the National Curriculum and our children are taught spelling patterns in a daily session. This ensures that once children have learnt more than one way of spelling particular sounds they can choose the right letter or letters by them making a conscious effort to learn the words.
Children in EYFS and Key Stage One learn to spell words that support their learning of letter/ sound recognition (phonics) and also ‘exception words’ that are used frequently in children’s writing. We promote the use of rhyme and analogy and visual cues.
Children in Key Stage Two are taught how words have originated or changed through history (etymology) and how they can transform by adding prefixes and suffixes (parts) to a root word or how the word may change (morphology). Words are also be taken from statutory lists which are a mixture of words children frequently use in their writing and those which they often misspell. Most children take home 10 spellings each week (6 patterns and 4 exception words) and are tested on these. The first week of each new term from year two is used to learn how to make the most of dictionary and thesaurus skills. Children are encouraged to self-assess the application of exception words within their writing by highlighting their use.