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Ironville and Codnor Park Primary School

Believe Achieve Succeed

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At Ironville and Codnor Park, we teach the full range of subjects, including all those found within the National Curriculum. 


We teach Religious Education, where we follow the Derbyshire County Council Locally Agreed Syllabus. In addition, we teach Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education. Relationships, Sex and Health Education is taught as part of PSHE Education.  


Aims and Organisation 


We are committed to providing children with a broad and balanced curriculum. Ironville and Codnor Park’s subject-based curriculum builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills our children develop as they progress through each key stage, with clear end points provided for each year group through the National Curriculum or the detailed SHINE KUSP ladders.  


In all subjects, expectations are set high, with no ceiling placed on any child’s learning potential. 


We are also committed to providing our children with a curriculum that develops them as people, with this work being underpinned by essential aspects of their character traits to promote our RESPECT behaviours.  


In school the children are in mixed aged classes and staff take this into account when planning the curriculum. Planning takes into account the individual needs, aptitudes and abilities of the children in each class. 


Staff use both whole class and group work and use individual teaching strategies as appropriate, depending on the nature of the activity. Each subject in the curriculum is planned for separately, to ensure coverage, but may be taught in conjunction with other subjects.

Long term Plans 

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


The children who are in the Wrens class and are aged four to five, are in the Early Years Foundation Stage and this covers the year they spend in the Reception class. This is recognised as a distinct stage of learning, when children learn best through active play which builds on their individual needs and interests. For further information, please see the EYFS page. 

Curriculum Areas

Parent Leaflets 


These leaflets provide information for parents and carers on the end of year expectations for children in our school. The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress.

If you would like to learn more about the SEND provision at the school with regards to the Curriculum or how the school complies with our duty to Equality, then please click on the links below:
