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Ironville and Codnor Park Primary School

Believe Achieve Succeed

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Online Safety

Welcome to our page about online safety. We hope you find this page helpful. If you would like us to include other useful documents on this page, please see Mr K Judge or contact him via email


The Designated Lead for Online Safety are: Mrs J Grundy and Mr K Judge

The Designated Leads for Filtering and Monitoring are: Mrs J Grundy and Mr K Judge

The Designated link Governor for Online Safety is: Mrs S Whitehouse 

The Designated link Governor for Filtering and Monitoring is: Mrs S Whitehouse 


Please click here for more information about online safety in our school for the academic year 2024-2025. 

Please visit our policy webpage to read our online safety policy. 

Can I take photographs of my child at school events?


We recognise that parents, carers and family members may wish to record events such as school plays, sports days etc to celebrate their child’s achievements. However it is important that such records remain private and for family and personal use only. Please be very careful if putting your children’s images on the internet, including on social networking sites. If you wish to put images online, and these images contain children who are not part of your family, you must first obtain the permission of parents or carers of the other children concerned.

For further information about taking photographs in school and how the Data Protection Act does not apply to photographs or films being taken for personal use by family and friends please see 

Any objections to this policy should be addressed to the Headteacher. 
