Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Welcome to our page about the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS). If you would like further information about how we teach the EYFS at Ironville & Codnor Park Primary School please see the curriculum co-ordinator Mr Judge or contact him via email info@ironvillecodnorpark.derbyshire.sch.uk.
Our EYFS Ethos
At Ironville and Codnor Park Primary school we believe that every child should be given the opportunity and support to develop and grow with confidence and kindness. Our team shows passion, dedication and love to all our EYFS children to help to achieve all their ambitions and reach for the stars!
As some of you may know the EYFS framework has recently changed. At Ironville and Codnor Park Primary School we think this is a positive move away from paperwork and spending more time with our lovely children - the part we enjoy the most! However, please know that our curriculum will continue to be broad and ambitious with children given a variety of different experiences alongside giving extra help and support to the children who need it.
Below are some documents for you to look through regarding the new framework. Please feel free to come and talk to myself (Mr Judge) if you have any questions.
Calling all EYFS parents!!
Please don't forget to check the website, newsletters, emails and messages for open days in the EYFS.
Look out for art afternoons and cookery afternoons - we have so much fun!
Alongside running these we have regular opportunities for you to come and join in with Maths and Literacy sessions and an assortment of 'take home bags' and books to borrow from school to take home with your child. From Autumn term SEESAW is being used to communicate with parents at home and for you to see what your child has been doing in school and for us to see what they do at home. We love our EYFS class and we think it is fabulous when parents come and work with us - so please come along!!