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Ironville and Codnor Park Primary School

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Summer Two

It's a puppet! We are going to be creating our very own puppets. We shall be developing our skills of threading and sewing the puppet pieces together helps develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills needed for threading a needle and manipulating small objects.

We shall sketch puppet ideas into a plan then follow steps to create the puppet by sewing the seams.

Once the puppet is complete, we shall discuss what worked well and areas for improvement. This encourages critical thinking and self-assessment.



We love our toys but they're nothing like the origionals. 

We are going to explore electronic games from the past and compare them to the present. This will include hand held devices, Play Station One to Play Station Five, hard drives, floppy discs and internet gaming. 


We will then put the devices on a time line to see when they were released over time.

Toys Past And Present

The Evolution of Game Consoles

This half term we are going to be learning about plants including learning the names of plants, sort flowers and classify them. 

We are also going to identify and compare deciduous and evergreen trees.

We are going to see what plants need to survive and grow our own beans. We are also going to carry out an experiment with plants by exposing them to sun light or no sun light and predict what the effects will be. 



Parts of a plant

Computing day
