Class Photographs 2022-2023
We have been learning about capacity in our Maths lessons. We have been discussing the amounts full, empty, half full, nearly full, and nearly empty. We then made the amounts practically using different containers. Some of us looked at how we measure the volume of the water in millilitres or in litres and showed this by making the different amounts.

We have been discussing the world around us, identifying which continent we live in and the oceans and seas that surround the United Kingdom. We then looked at each of the 5 oceans around the world and each of the 7 continents. We looked at different maps and had a go at labelling our own. We also sand songs to learn the names of each continent and ocean and put them in order from the largest to the smallest.

Handa’s Surprise
We have loved learning about all the different types of fruit, what they feel like, what they smell like and best of all what they taste like! We really enjoyed exploring how Handa was able to balance the basket of fruit on her head, so we had a go at balancing a heavy book on ours, phew, it was hard work trying to keep it balanced and walk at the same time!
We are learning about houses and homes this term. We looked at what houses were like in the past during Victorian times and then discussed what houses are like now. We had a go at making our very own houses using box modelling materials.

Our Commando Joe mission was to work as a team to repair the damaged gown ready for the King’s coronation. We repaired it together and then tested it out to make sure it held together.

Our Commando Joe mission was ‘Teamwork’ to create a royal carriage for the coronation of the king.

Our Commando Joe mission was to create a hat for the King’s guards. We worked together as a team.

In our English lessons we have been reading the story ‘The Queen’s Hat’. We pretended to be the Queen at Buckingham Palace and then we experimented to see whether we could make our hats blow off in the wind!

The Train Ride
In English we have been reading ‘The Train Ride’ by June Crebbin. We have loved exploring trains both past and present and carrying out the roles of all the different passengers, the conductor and the driver of the train. We have described all the things that we might see on the journey and how the characters might feel. We really enjoyed our experience days, tasting chocolate and strawberries, describing their different tastes and textures and finally our visit to the seaside, paddling in the water, making sandcastles, eating pretend fish and chips and real icecream!
Science Week
We looked at the skittle experiment to see how the colour transfers from each skittle when water is added. We tried both hot water and cold water and noticed that the colour ran slower in the cold water than when in the hot water. We also learnt that the colours do not mix because of the amount of concentrated sugar moving towards the middle where there is no sugar.

We celebrated the Holi festival by throwing different coloured powder onto a big piece of paper. We discovered that the Holi festival is an Hindu celebration that marks the beginning of spring. During Holi people celebrate the story of Prahlad and how he was saved by the God Vishnu.

After learning about Lent, we followed a recipe to make our very own pancakes and they were delicious! We used flour, 1 egg, and some milk to make the batter and then we had lots of different toppings to put on them once the pancakes were cooked.

This week we have been learning all about Superheroes!!! We have designed our own and made a comic strip to tell a story about the Superhero we designed!

5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF!!!!! We have been into space this week in our rocket. Whilst in space, we having been finding out lots of facts using books and the internet. We have listened to astronauts talk about their experiences of going to space and we have used our different senses to describe what we think it would be like. We really enjoyed making spaceships and aliens in our playdough area.
We have been finding out all about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. We used puppets to act out the story of the great animal race, which is of great importance as it sets out the order of the zodiac in which they are celebrated. This year it is the rabbits turn to be celebrated. We made some Chinese lanterns and we made our own dragons to dance to the sound of the drums in the dragon dance. We had great fun pretending we were at a Chinese restaurant, trying out some Chinese food and sharing it with our friends.
Goldilocks Christmas Pantomime
Children in Need 2022! We decorated Pudsey Bear using coloured oats, pasta and rice. We coloured in Pudsey Bear pictures, read a Pudsey Bear story and discussed why we raise money for Children in Need.

Wow! We have had great fun discovering lots of interesting facts about cold climate animals. We had to try and rescue the trapped animals from the freezing cold ice in Antarctica by melting the ice and we enjoyed exploring the natural resources which created lots of imaginative play.
Look at our Rangoli pattern! We created a Rangoli pattern using different coloured rice and pasta to celebrate Diwali. We retold the story of Rama and Sita using puppets and learnt lots about how Hindu’s celebrate.

We have been learning about Remembrance Day and what it represents. We discussed why we wear poppies to remember those that have died in the war and we really enjoyed listening to a local war veteran telling us all about his experiences of war during assembly. At 11 o’clock on the 11th of November we held a two minute silence to remember those who lost their lives.

We have been learning about all the different animal classifications and worked together to sort a selection of animals into their correct classification group. We also got creative and discussed why the various facts about animals put them in their classification group, whilst we used paint and stamps to make animal prints on large pieces of paper.

We made potions in the Witch’s kitchen, ready to cast our spells. We loved dressing up in our spooky Halloween costumes! 👻🎃🧙♀️To continue with the Halloween theme, we read the story ‘Christopher Pumpkin’ and wrote out our very own invitations to our Halloween party.

We decorated biscuits for Little Red Riding Hood to take to grandmas house. They were yummy!

We created a role play area to help us learn about ‘The Little Red Riding Hood’ story. We used different textured fabric for the forest floor and made a stone path so that Little Red Riding Hood could get to grandma’s house. We made trees for the forest out of toilet roll tubes and tissue paper.

We have been learning all about the different seasons and we have and had a go at sorting out what to wear in each of them. We had great fun sorting out the clothes and dressing up as a season for the other children to try and guess which season we was.

We have been learning all about ‘The Great Fire of London’. We have created some artwork using soft pastels and black paper to show what the fire would have looked like during the night!

We have been retelling the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ using practical resources. We loved pretending to be the pigs and the wolf using our role play masks!