Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Inclusion for all in our school
Ironville And Codnor Park Primary School is a mainstream, fully inclusive school where all classes are of mixed ability. Teachers provide work which is suitably matched to the needs and ability of each individual or group of children. We welcome children with all types of special educational need and / or disability, and we make sure that they are included in all aspects of school life.
Quality teaching is essential in order for all children to make progress. However, some children may need additional support in order to achieve their targets. This might involve:
- use of specialist resources;
- a specific teaching approach;
- specialist equipment;
- participation in groups which will help to develop particular skills.
Above all we want children to experience learning within an environment in which they feel happy and confident.
People whom you can talk to if you have a question or concern :
Your child’s teacher is the first person you should try to talk to if you have a question or concern about your child’s needs or the support they are receiving.
You can also contact the following people by telephone on 01773 602936, or by e-mail.
Mrs Jane Grundy Headteacher headteacher@ironvillecodnorpark.derbyshire.sch.uk
Mrs Angie Bourne SENCo abourne@ironvillecodnorpark.derbyshire.sch.uk