Class Photographs 2023 - 2024
We love working with our parents! - Great help during our Wonderful World Week

Bolsover Castle - Such an AMAZING Trip!

Making and testing catapult mechanisms
In our Science work this term we have been investigating material and their properties... including which are the best waterproof materials.
Just some of our amazing Printing artwork after we were inspired by looking at William Morris.
Bikeability for our Year 3s... I hope you all use the skills you learned when out on your bike in the village.
Amazing Teamwork in Cojo this term... I was very impressed by the creative ideas to solve the problem.
Some egg-cellent Easter Crafts this year, the children are always so egg-cited when their parents come into work with them.
We do pride ourselves on teamwork, communication, cooperation, looking out for each other and helping when we can... all the characteristics we have to show when doing Cojo each term.
Science this have term we have been exploring forces including contact and non-contact forces.

Our DT for Spring is baking... we had to do some taste testing first

PE this half term for the Year 2s - Dance - Channelling our inner Elvis!

Lots of teamwork to start the new year with...