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Ironville and Codnor Park Primary School

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Class Photographs 2023 - 2024

Wonderful World Week - Nigeria

TT Rockstar Day

Go Beyond Residentials

Money Week and HSBC visit

'Hot Seating' - Melt by Ele Mountain

26.4.24 D.T. Investigating Pneumatics for our Mighty Mascot Project!

'Go Beyond' - Adventurers return!

'The Whale' Experience Day - Problem Solving keeping afloat

Red Nose - 'Crazy Hair'

World Book Day - author Kelly-Jane Clark shares her book: 'Rise of the Zombie Pigs'

Sharing Newspaper reports with Eagles

9th February - Printing

6th February - Internet Safety Day

2nd February - Maths Open Session for Parents

Physics: What surfaces have the most friction?

Making Rain Gauges

Christmas Chaos and a visitor......

Boxercise Fitness Class

English Experience Day - 'The Plague Village'

Well done Alice for achieving your 'Tango' dance award!

Ancient Minecraft - Can you create a pyramid?

Experience Day 1 - Playing Pok-a-Tok for our new story 'The Rainplayer' by David Wisniewski

